Popular Drugs Catalogue


Vancenase AQ Double Strength

Chemical Name: BECLOMETHASONE (be-kloe-METH-a-sone)

Common uses
This medicine is a corticosteroid used to treat the symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis (hay fever). It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Before using
INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions, allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding.

Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. This medicine is to be used in the nose. This medicine may come with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. SHAKE WELL before using a dose. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from heat and light. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible. If it is much more than 1 hour since your last dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule.

IT MAY TAKE SEVERAL DAYS for this medicine to give full benefit. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE more often or for a longer time than your doctor recommended. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other nasal problems. AVOID GETTING THIS MEDICINE IN YOUR EYES. IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD CHICKENPOX OR MEASLES, avoid contact with anyone who has either of these diseases. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby.

Possible side effects
SIDE EFFECTS, that may go away during treatment, include mild nasal dryness or irritation, burning, stinging, throat irritation, or headache. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

If you take too much
IF OVERDOSE IS SUSPECTED, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Additional information
If your symptoms do not improve with regular use of this medicine or if they become worse, check with your doctor. ALWAYS HAVE A SPARE INHALER available in case the unit malfunctions or is empty. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF YOU WILL BE USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, be sure to obtain necessary refills before your supply runs out.
